

Plucky Puppy uses humane and positive dog training methods for socialization, basic training, and problem behavior modification, as recommended by the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior. Scientific research on animal learning shows that training is most effective when dogs are rewarded for correct behavior, when undesirable behaviors are prevented or redirected, and underlying emotional and environmental causes of fear, anxiety, and aggression are addressed. We do not use fear, pain, or intimidation. Because we don't need to and it's not nice.


If you’re interested in private dog training, give us a call, email us, or fill out our contact form. We’ll ask you some questions to determine if we are the best resource for you. If we are, we’ll schedule a private training or behavior consultation. During our session, we will asses your dog, discuss his or her history and current behavior, and what your goals are. We will let you know what we think is going on, how to fix problems and attain goals, and how long this process might take. We’ll develop a training and management plan that is suited to your schedule and ability, along with other problem solving options. After the consultation, we’ll email you a written summary of what was discussed, including the training plan we decided on. 


Behavior counseling is used to address behavior problems such as aggression (towards dogs or people), fear and anxiety, house soiling or unwanted behaviors such as excessive barking, chewing, digging or destructiveness. 


Work one-on-one with a professional certified dog trainer to custom-design lessons for you and your dog. Your dog already knows how to sit and lie down but pulls on leash? No problem, we'll skip right ahead to loose leash walking and heeling. Is your dog an angel at home but oblivious when she's out and about? We'll schedule our sessions at the park or coffee shop. Training can be as often or little as works for your schedule and budget.


Yes! We will take your dog into our home and train him for you! This is a great option for new puppies and adult dogs who need a behavior "brush up." It’s not doggy boot camp, because we use gentle, scientifically proven methods based on animal learning theory. Your pup will have fun while learning, as well as develop good social skills and public behavior. 

After his stay with us, we’ll show you everything he learned and send you home with a better behaved dog and user instructions.


Does board and train sound amazing but you don't want to be separated from your dog for long? Daycare and training is a fantastic option for intensive training (and play and fun and rest and exercise) for periods of up to four, six, or eight hours a day. You can schedule daycare and training in your trainer's home on a regular schedule or as needed.


Want your dog trained but don't have time? No problem. Plucky Puppy will come to your house to train your dog while you’re at work. This is a great option for new puppy owners, because it provides a needed potty break along with training and socialization. Includes weekly or bi-weekly sessions with you to show off your dog's new skills and how to maintain them. Day training is usually scheduled between three and five times per week, but can be adjusted to suit your schedule.